This website is my collection of notes and blog posts. Blog posts have the tag blog, and notes do not. If a note looks incomplete, it probably is. Any content under a horizontal line is WIP (except on this page). This site is built with Quartz, a static site generator that operates on a bunch of Markdown files.
Try out the Graph View feature, either on the right or bottom of the page! It also has a button to view the graph of this whole site.
Now about myself:
I enjoy learning about almost anything, from Type Theory to Semiconductors to Typesetting to Sociology.
I have a B.S. in Materials Science Engineering from UC Irvine. I have worked as a Data Scientist at Harmony Analytics, where I learned about the world of corporate reporting.
I am currently seeking full-time roles in software engineering, materials engineering, or wherever else may be a good fit.
Learn more about me from my résumé.
Email me at: jonathanfung2000 AT gmail DOT com. Also feel free to check out my LinkedIn and GitHub.