- Haskell Curry is known for the Curry-Howard correspondence.
- He first studied electrical engineering and physics. He started a mathematics PhD in differential equations at Harvard sometime after 1924, under George Birkhoff.(Seldin, n.d.)
- He became interested in logic and discovered Moses Schönfinkel’s work on combinatory logic.
- Original title: Über die Bausteine der mathematischen Logik, English Translation On the building blocks of mathematical logic
- Original version (1924, German), Archive at PSU, English Translation by van Heijenoort (1967, From Frege to Gödel - A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879-1931)
- He ended up moving his PhD studies to the University of Göttingen under David Hilbert. A key motivation was the presence of Heinrich Behmann and Paul Bernays, two people who were familiar with Schönfinkel’s original talk at Gottingen in 1920.
- He became interested in logic and discovered Moses Schönfinkel’s work on combinatory logic.
I made a digital recreation of Curry’s 1929 paper An Analysis of Logical Substitution, Github repo.
Seldin, J. P. (n.d.). The Logic of Curry and Church.