Exporting this file via org-mode

  (delete-file "20250203T102727--ways-to-export-org-to-html__emacs_html_orgmode_pandoc.html"))

Exporting this file via pandoc

cd ~ # For some reason pandoc cannot access ~/Zotero, need to be in home dir
hyperfine "pandoc -f org -t html ~/denote-notes/20250203T102727--ways-to-export-org-to-html__emacs_html_orgmode_pandoc.org -o /tmp/test_pandoc.html --citeproc --bibliography='Zotero/My Library.bib' --csl='Zotero/styles/ieee.csl'"

For pandoc, format footnotes with <ol> list-style-type: cjk-earthly-branch; (lower-roman). However, this does not modify the foonote-ref number - the mark used in-text.

Org-mode allows for clickable in-text citations, to jump to the bibliography.

Org-mode also needs htmlize to properly syntax-highlight source blocks: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/31439/how-to-get-colored-syntax-highlighting-of-code-blocks-in-asynchronous-org-mode-e.