
Debut(Translated)The initial time period when a group is announced and marketed towards the public. Associated with their first Title Track.ITZY debuted in 2019 with “Dalla Dalla”
Comeback(Transliterated)The release of new music, highly associated with a promotion cycle. Only applies after a Debut.ITZY’s first comeback was “Icy”
Promotion CycleN/AA collection of Content associated with a Comeback
Title Track(Translated)A promoted song in a comeback, usually accompanied with a music video and choreography. A comeback can have multiple title tracks.
B-Side(Translated)Non-title track songs in an album.
Music ShowsWeekly venues for groups to perform, and recordings are uploaded on live TV and YouTube
Company/LabelYG, SM, JYP, and HYBE are the big 4 companies


Biaschoe aeYour favorite member within a group.My bias is Miyeon in (G)I-DLE
Bias Wrecker
UltN/AYour overall favorite group or idol.My ult is Yeji from ITZY
OT<n>N/ABeing a fan of all members, usually no specific bias. n is the number of members in a group. Can also refer to if a group supports or does not support a member that has gone through a scandal.Debut-era Neverlands are usually OT6
SubunitN/AA subset of a group that releases music. Can also refer to a specific stage or collaboration.
Line, <XX>z<XX>zA fan-created subset of a group with specific shared traits.
ContentAppearances in various media forms such as Music Shows, YouTube Variety Shows, TV Variety Shows, Radio shows, Foreign media.
Self-Contentja cunWeekly content produced in-house of the group’s label.BTS’s “Run BTS”, Seventen’s “Going Seventeen”, Le Sseraffim’s “Leniverse”, ITZY’s “IT’ZZZ”
University FestivalsKorean universities host music festivals and commonly invite idol groups. Occurs between roughly April-September. Commonly seen as a strong source as revenue.
(Romanized)Ak gae
MentMen teuComment during
VCRVCRVideo _ Recording, content played during break periods of a concert.
Seasons Greetings

Fan Culture

Fandom nameAn official name given to the fans of a group. Can also apply to subunits and individual members (usually fan-created)
FanchanteungwonbapA chant that fans shout along during a song’s performance. Usually officially published and for title tracks.
Light StickeungwonbongA handheld device with group-specific design that lights up and usually syncs to a centralized system in concerts
Fancamjik kaemA video recording of a stage performance that tracks a single member. Usually shot in portrait. AKA focus cam.
Facecam(Transliterated)A type of fancam that is shot in landscape. Commonly includes brief zoom-ins on the idol’s face.
Streamingseu mingArtificially replaying music videos or songs on music streaming platforms to increase numbers.
Proof/Etiquette Shot예절샷Taking a picture of (usually) food with a photocard of you Bias.1
Chart ManipulationSa jae gi
Perfect All-Killsame?

