I’ve been having thoughts wondering about:
- What do I truly believe in?
- How do people believe in things so confidently and strongly?
- What’s the point of blogs?
- Why do so many people have blogs?
So this blog post appeared at a nice time. I found it through a thread on Bluesky by Steve Klabnik, as a reply by Markiewka on the second post 1. For archival reasons, here’s the short thread:
> I completely agree. It’s pointless to write about something you don’t know much about.
Hey, just so you know, if I believed this, the Rust book wouldn’t > exist
For me, writing is a form of thinking. It really helps clarify what’s going on in my brain, because I have to like, explain it to write it down.
So, if you’re a beginner and you want to write a blog post on something you’re learning? Please do! It will help you, and everyone else.
Another fun thing about writing: you don’t have to publish it.
If you publish, and you get something wrong, people may come along and correct you. If they’re gentle, that can be a massive boon, but the risk is that they’re jerks instead.
But you can also just write and never share it. Still helps.
Some quotes I liked
Writing entails more than just putting words on a sheet of paper - it’s an act of clarifying thought, of discovering what you truly believe.
Does this really reflect what I value and believe? Or how many times I shuffled the paragraphs around like a deck of cards? Honestly, the answers don’t even matter. The real point is this: by the time I finished writing this post, I understood my position on the topic better than I ever did before.
It’s about organizing chaos, finding clarity, and creating something functional, elegant, and, dare I say, beautiful - for yourself and for others who will eventually read or use what you’ve created
Overall, I think this post (and the bluesky thread) will nudge me into the direction of trying out writing myself. And probably into developing a blog of my own for other people to read.